Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Support Utah's Caucus System

This campaign will take you 15 seconds to contact your state reps, asking their support of our caucus system!

Utah's unique caucus system best reflects a representative Republic. We successfully removed Senator Bennett last year and now there is talk from political elites to get rid of the caucus system? Join me in a discussion of its virtues as well as a campaign to defend this system that allows principles to defeat big money!


  1. This is a system of "Neighborhood Elections." I could be wrong but it seems to me that during this period when this system is under siege in Utah it would be smart to market this in terms that average people can readily understand and accept. It is easy to demonize "Utah's Caucus System." It is much easier to defend and sell Utah's system of "Neighborhood Elections."

  2. I agree. Neighborhood Elections. This shows the power of the people closest to the people.
